Let's lead life at our own terms

A Masterclass showing you the path to becoming the version of yourself aligned with your desired outcomes.

The EmpowerMe Masterclass takes you through a journey to identify some of the inner blocks and making those invisible stories visible. It then leverages the transformational power of habits to become the version of ourselves that will take participants to their desired outcomes.

Habits hold immense power for they can change the way we see ourselves. And if we change how we view ourselves, we change what we believe is possible, and that’s transformational.

Take your power back!

Why the Masterclass?

What is your desired destination? And what is the version of yourself  that will take you there?

The masterclass takes you thought a repeatable system that can be used in all areas of your life. It doesn’t give you the fish, it teaches you how to fish! This process enables you to become the version of yourself that will bring your desired outcome to life, identify and overcome your innter block, expand and grow yourself and by extension your business.

Case study: A story I am particularly proud of

When I first created the course “The Transformation power of habits”, I shared it with my sister. I did so because she was in the process of writing her third book (please note, the process is transferable to any challenging area in our lives). She was complaining on how stretched she was with her busy schedule and as a result procrastinating on her writing. This led her to feel super stressed as the looming deadline was putting her under immense pressure yet still continuing to procrastinate and self-sabotaging herself.

My beautiful sister took the formula shared in this masterclass and boom, she published an incredible book in record time and said:

“I've always found it difficult to develop a routine, and I've viewed my life as a "creative mess." At the end of the day, when I had a deadline, I'd always find a way to finish my piece on time and it would be well done. However, this always occurred at the last minute, leaving me completely exhausted and drained. I often wondered why was I doing that to me and how to change it. [...]

It was mind blowing for me to realise how fast we can change and how less stressful my life can become. I've started to use the hacks I learned for everything and the results are phenomenal. I genuinely adore this course and highly recommend it!”


In the Masterclass you will:

How to join?

Whether you want to join as an individual or you’d like to organise the session for your tribe, the first step is to register your interest in the waiting list. Once we receive your registration, we’ll be in touch and further connect.