Growing your business and a life you love!

A Collective on the same journey sharing, learning, growing together

The choices we make and the path we create for ourselves are heavily influenced by the environment we come from, which also dictates our beliefs and the self-limitations we impose on ourselves. The ‘stories we tell ourselves’ offer beliefs that can mask our true potential and authentic selves and hinder our progress making us play small.

The EmpowerMe Garden bring the collective together to identify some of the inner blocks that have been holding them back in starting/running a successful business and making those invisible stories visible. It then leverages the transformational power of habits to become the version of ourselves that will take participants to their desired outcomes.

Why the Collective?

For the simple desire for real conversations and connecting with fellow entrepreneurs that are on the same journey! Strengthening a growth mindset will help us be better people, run better businesses and live better lives.

Your inner blocks play a part in the way you are and what you do (or don’t do), and therefore the way you run your business. It can influence the decisions you make and play a major part in the consistency or inconsistencies of your income levels, fast-tracking or slowing your business growth, shaping your efficiency and use of resources and time.

About the EmpowerMe Collective

The best part of any coaching is the tribe of fellow travellers you meet, the deep conversations you have and the strong connections you make. Here we've extrapolated that part without the significant financial or time commitment and brought in only benefits.

"Manu understands the balance between accomplishing our professional goals while maintaining time for emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellness - so often overlooked in traditional patriarchal approaches to success."

EmpowerMe Collective - Sevgi

Connect, share and...

How to join?

The first steps is to register in the waiting list. Then, when ready to join the Collective, we’ll match you with the best upcoming series of meetings. We will connect over the stage you’re in as well as some logistical questions such as frequency or location, whether in person or online.

Each session will focus around a micro-learning - a flower we will plant together in our gardens!

Want to learn more? Email us or book a 15-min chat.