Grow your business and live your life on your own terms!

Rewrite your story and soar high.

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Manuela Klevisser

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Discover the power of the Collective

A community of entrepreneurs tackling the challenges of growing a business by overcoming our inner blocks, working on our mindset and becoming the version of ourselves most aligned with our desired outcomes.

What If..

the garden was the version of yourself that would best grow your business so you can lead life at your own terms.

what flowers aka skills, habits, perspectives, attitudes would you grow?

Let’s discover together and grow it one flower at a time!

Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or running a new or existing business, we’re a collective on a shared journey, figuring out ways to succeed on our own terms. Through real conversations, shared learnings and addressing the stories we tell ourselves, we grow ourselves and our desired garden.

Living life on your own terms

Habits are like magic

By taking action, habits become the evidence of the person we’re becoming which changes the way we see ourselves. And if we change how we view ourselves, we change what we believe is possible.

This Collective is for you if...


This is not for you if you don't believe in your ability to change or take responsibility for your own growth.

Collective women Collective woman

Take your power back

Begin your Journey and cultivate your success

EmpowerMe Collective coffee

EMPOWER ME Collective

Connect, Learn, and Grow

Join the Collective for regular meetings in-person or online addressing challenges we face in growing our business. These gatherings offer a space for real conversations, insights, support and accountability to help you achieve your goals and accelerate your journey.

Find out more
EmpowerMe Collective keyboard

EMPOWER ME Masterclass

Leveraging habits to transform your being

Dive into our Habits Masterclass to learn powerful techniques to identify what is holding you back, come out with a clear action plans and then learn how to leverage the transformational power of habits to aligned yourself with your goals.

Explore the Masterclass
EmpowerMe Collective Flower


Monthly Micro Learnings

The individual Flowers take you on a journey of becoming the version of yourself that will bring your desired garden to life, aka the version of yourself aligned to living life at your own terms. The flowers are shared on monthly so we can all honour the growth process one step at a time.


About Habits, Growth and the Power of the Collective...

Upcoming events

We are now opening our registrations for a number of EMPOWER ME Collective meeting groups, both in person and online.

The Collective is carefully matched together in intimate groups to allow for the journey to unfold in an empowering way, feeding our cup. For, when our cup is full we can feed into others’ as well, creating an upward spiral of co-creation, connection and growth.

Let’s create a wonderful garden for ourselves and join all our gardens together in synergy, cross-polinating and thriving together into an ecosystem.

EmpowerMe Collective sketchbook

Be notified for our upcoming events

Join the waiting list for the Collective meet ups and Masterclasses.


Want to learn more? Email us or book a 15-min chat.

“When the student is ready, the teacher within us shows up!”

by Manu, co-founder of the EmpowerMe Collective

Let me explain...

We know ourselves best! We are the only ones that have the whole context in a story and that can truly say what is the best way forward. Yet, we trust others can show us the way.

Here, at the EmpowerMe Collective, we co-create, share and learn together so we can strengthen that inner instinct, that wise voice within and let our inner teacher come out.

Our Vision

Empowering the Collective to live life at our own terms, embracing the abundance, love and happiness life has to offer!